
Monday, February 29, 2016

【Interview】Minako Kotobuki「Bye Bye Blue」

Seiyuu / Singer , Sphere member, Minako Kotobuki will have memorable Solo 10th Single "Bye Bye Blue" be released on March 2 (Wednesday). It would be appreciate if you read this long interview on the message she put on this work, personal growth, and what to expect on upcoming LAWSON presents Sphere Fes. 2016.

-- What kind of song is Bye bye Blue, which is the main title song to 10th single after about 6 months ago since the last release? Please tell us about what to look forward to while listening.

This time it's 10th CD, which is somehow a memorable single, so I had trouble thinking about what to aim for and discussed with the staff members while making it. Since it's also memorable 10th CD, I would like to show my growth between the same rock starting from my debut single "Shiny+". I would like to show how current Minako Kotobuki has been developed thus far, and how singing "rock" again is different. The song, therefore, is rock as base, but there's also element of synthesizer, and dance, so it would be the larges field in music sense comparing to the past releases.

-- Previous single "Candy Color Pop" was heavily dance music, but this time it's mix of the rock takes from the past and dance music, right?

Yes. I cannot put the image of music from the past works away, but also wanting to put my "dance" element into it. Everyone who listens to it would go along with the song and want to sing along, but also not lose "feeling of rock" was I was having hard time. Also, Candy Color Pop was feminine song, so I was thinking if I can express feminine feeling in Bye Bye Blue. I ended up showing that in the lyric.

-- What was memorable while recording Bye Bye Blue?
I had to sing high tone to my limit and show heat and passion when singing rocks songs. This time not only rock, but also dance music, so I didn't have to shout and singing in the tone that had some space for singing. I was able to show my voice more and go along with the flow of the song, which is in good feeling when recording. I was able to relax while singing the song.

Also, I had Mr. Lauren to write up the lyric and tell me the nuance on it, singing a bit on the phone, so I was able to sing while I had a definite image on the song. There's "Rafu" in the lyric, which is the title of my radio show "Minako Kotobuki's Laugh Rough". There are two meanings to it, which are laugh and rough (casual). While singing the song, I try to relax (rough) the strength of my shoulder to sing various me.

-- Since you mentioned about the lyric now, so I would like to ask about the lyric. Is there anything you would like to "say bye bye about you"?

I would delay doing things... so I would like to say bye bye to this action (laugh)! I have been told by my mother since young, but I would put my stuff at "genkan" (the space where people first come into the house) to watch the TV... I would told numerous time regarding to that and I do feel ashamed now. I also keep what I bought in the bag, not taking off the tag when buying new cloths... Whenever I found that, I do feel I need to fix that habit (laugh). I'm going to be 25 years old this year, so it's time I say bye bye to put things aside.

-- One more regarding to the lyric. Where would you "want to got to the travel in the future"?

There are many places I want to go for traveling... I seriously thought about it the other day and there are 17 prefectures I didn't go in Japan (laugh). I thought I went a lot of places than I though I would. But among those 17 prefectures, almost all are in Touhoku area. So I would like to go for Hanami when the weather gets warm. Also, Bye Bye Blue had driving in the music video and CD jackets, so I think it would be fun to drive at Touhoku.

-- Since we're on the topic of CD jackets, please tell me the visual, concept of the clothing, and filming episodes.

The theme for the CD jacket this time is traveling, or I should say to prepare for traveling in a real and fashionable feelings. There are strong feeling of another world in the past works especially the ones released on 2015 "black hole" and Candy Color Pop" that it's away from realism. This time it's real and warm.

I would check in detail of where to travel, like "I would go check out in what time" (laugh), so I know that I like to make plans the most. I would like to show that there's excitement and decisive in preparing in the CD jackets and visual.

I had the art director that I always had, Gou Matsuda-san to take the photos for the CD jackets and visuals, and he suggested, it's definitely better to have someone while travel. So Tamao, the cat, is the companion. His face looks foreign, but the name is Japanese "Tamao" (laugh). By the way, the cat is a male, so Tamao "-kun". I've done filming with the animals several times, I learned that the personality changes when its switch for adventure is on. I had fun filming with Tamao-kun, and this time it's not facing the camera man and pose while taking, but to interact with Tamao-kun while taking this time.

-- Please tell us the point to watch for Bye Bye Blue music video that would be included in limited edition.

While CD jackets are a beginning of travel between a person and one cat, MV is 3 girls, including myself, traveling (Joshitabi / Girls Travel). I show expression that only being with friends, or having strong sense of privacy would go to Kamakura with other two that I'm intimate with. Riding man car, walking Kamakura with the kimono, riding Sea kayak, challenging with making ceramics, driving around Shounan, etc. was a full filming for a day. The two girls who acted as my friends are strangers for me, but got along fast, and are very cute so I had fun filming.

The setting for three girls are probably high school students who are in the same class, and became friendly for several years that can invite each other for traveling by traveling, I think. Also the last place to go on the MV is the same as the place as "Shiny+". I went there alone on the bike during 1st single, but for 10th single I went by car with friends. A hidden setting of me growing up a bit (laugh).” Please check out a grown up me!

-- On the other hand, coupling "Yes" is a very dark, hard and heavy rock comparing to previous song.

I actually recorded it earlier than Bye Bye Blue, which is a new try. The tone is high and heavy content, it needs a concentration because I had to take a break after one chorus. In a good way it waste my heart and body, delivers how "energish" the song is. This song is created by same people who created Ureiboshi, which is in my second album Tick, so it's like a sequel song to Ureiboshi. If Ureiboshi has an image of night time, "YES" has an image of sunrise, and has image of "progression" little by little.

-- There's "believe in yourself without being confused and go forward" in the lyric, what do you want to "go forward"?

I was asked the similar question during Sphere's 5th anniversary in 2014, I keep changing while I think about it, and there's nothing I continue. However, when I first did my seiyuu work was 15 years old, and realized that it's the longest I do. I somehow has a determination of "gambarou (let's try my best)" but the fact that I can continue doing my seiyuu means I was believing in myself.

-- Sphere Chocolate Festival 2016 was held on February 13, Do you have any memorable moment regarding to Valentine's Day?

Surprisingly, I'm the one who hand made valentine's day chocolate since kindergarten (laugh). But still it was during kindergarten, I couldn't do tempering, I couldn't do anything even though it's called "handmaking"... the first time I handmade, there's a kit, which was Apollo chocolate kit. Make the pink and brown part that I always buy and eat with the amount that I like. Such a highly dreamy situation (laugh). That's the ones I give to people during valentine's day (laugh). The one with more brown and little pink, or the one with brown and pink are even. I made Apollo Chocolate in the way to satisfy myself was my valentine's day memory (laugh).

-- Please tell us what to look forward to for upcoming LAWSON presents Sphere Fes. 2016 on March 5 and 6, 2016.

The schedule has been announced, which it will be full 6 hours with Sphere's stage and stages for each member's solo. 7 years for Sphere on Choco Matsuri, and start of 8th year on March, so we would like to show Sphere's live color that we have been active to the fans.

The fes this time has 30 mins. out of 6 hours for solo stage. I'm thinking about what to deliver for my "purple stage" with my staff members How to show the current Minako Kotobuki "rashisa (suit to self)", "rock" and "dance"? Will they enjoy? We are still thinking about it. Also, it may be the first time to perform "Bye Bye Blue" so I would be glad if you enjoy that, too!

-- How to enjoy LAWSON presents Sphere Fes. 2016, a long and huge event?

You would enjoy huge volume when looking as a whole show, but since it's fes, you can enjoy at your own time such as taking a break and get some food. Everyone has thought of organizing your own pace or a way of enjoying fes. Sphere Fes this time has this kind of freedom. Goods has t-shirt for each stage, food stands, you can enjoy fes / festival feeling in various angles in two days. I would like to enjoy these two days, eating all foods (laugh), and to enjoy this free fes fully!

-- Lastly, please give messages to the fans.

Memorable 10th single will be releasing and I'm full of gratefulness. "Bye Bye Blue" fits with this season which feels meeting or departing. This song will be a song to move forward by accepting feeling laughter, tear, departure and meeting. For c/w's "YES", there are strong messages to Y, E, and S. It would be pleasure if you would accept it and move forward. Please listen!

Minako Kotobuki 10th Single Bye Bye Blue Release March 2, 2016 (Wednesday)
Limited (CD + DVD)

Tokuten when bought at HMV stores (there are some stores not given out)/ Rochike HMV (Online)
Original photo
With Limited and Regular editions of the CD
Tokuten will end when finish given out.

LAWSON presents Sphere Fes. 2016 on March 5 and 6, 2016
No one has not done it! Unique! It's because Sphere that can do it, only Sphere can do it. 4 solo and Sphere's 6 hour dreamy show. Miracle music fes is coming true!

March 5, 2016 (Saturday) Open 13:00 Start 14:00開場
March 6, 2016 (Sunday) Open 12:00 Start 13:00

National Yoyogi Arena First Gym

Purple Stage: Minako Kotobuki
Pink Stage: Ayahi Takagaki
Orange Stage: Haruka Tomatsu
Green Stage: Aki Toyosaki
Blue Stage: Spjere

Related Websites

Minako Kotobuki official site
Minako Kotobuki official blog "Manakorobi Yaoki"
Sphere Portal Square
Sphere official site "Pl@net sphere"
"LAWSON presents Sphere Fes. 2016" Sphere Fes Special site

Interview Source

All credits for translation: ~clstmk


  1. You are great. Thank you for translating this . I read the google translate but understood only 10% of it . Thank you thank you so so much..
    You are the best ayahizuki
    By the way its me who runs the sphere fanpage on instagram :)
